Saturday, May 06, 2006

I'm not sure what's going on

So I changed the tempate on this thing, but for some reason it isn't showing up yet. Maybe my computer is weird, maybe i'm missing something, or maybe the world can sense that i'm off due to allergies. It's up for grabs, but there you are.

I've been up since six am because my allergies are so bad that i can't sleep. I considered having breakfast, but then i remembered that we are playing at coffee planet today, home of awesome bagels, and the best hummus since the invention of the food processor. Additionally, I don't have anything to do between 11 and 12 because Nik is playing for the first hour, and Dave and I for the second two, meaning ample time for breakfast!

I hope my allergies are feeling better by then. I feel pretty aweful, and although the medicine makes my allergies more tolerable, it makes the rest of existance a little worse. A trade-off I suppose, as it everything, but i'd perfer to not be falling asleep at the mic.

Today should be fun overall though. After the show, Dave and I are heading up to saratoga to book another show at Starbucks, and then sticking around the spa city for a Sirsy show at the Parting Glass later in the evening. This is all assuming my health holds out (aren't we always wishing for that with me?). Right now I feel as if I could lie in bed all day.

"The Slight of an Impass..." went really well last night, and i'm excited to play it at coffee planet today. I want to debut another song tomorrow at heritage day, one of our new covers, but I don't think we'll have time to get one ready. We're working on "look what you've done" and "come around again" by Jet, "between the bars" by elliot smith, "don't go away" by oasis and, in theory, "dream on" by aerosmith. We've been threatening to play "torn" by natalie imbruglia for some time now, but for one reason or another we've never really worked on it. I have trouble memorizing covers. I guess it's because I actually need to know the words rather than just having them come out by some sort of reflex as they do with my own songs.

I'm going to try to go back to sleep now. Wish me luck!


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